Release of the Draft Comprehensive Transportation Review (CTR) Guidelines


The Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) has released for public review and comment a draft of the Comprehensive Transportation Review (CTR) Guidelines. 

These guidelines are a key component to implementing the 2040 Plan and the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  As stakeholders and partners in the development of the UDO, we value your continued engagement, review, and input.

Why are they important?

  • The CTR guidelines will replace the City’s current Traffic Impact Study (TIS) guidelines.
  • They define a new multimodal transportation review and mitigation process for development projects as referenced in the UDO (Article 33).
  • They implement the mobility policies of the 2040 Plan with a focus on multimodal investment and transportation demand management.

How can the public review?

Next Steps:

  • The public review process for the CTR guidelines is following the timeline of Draft UDO with the first draft review period ending on January 14, 2022. 
  • In addition, the CTR guidelines will be evaluated with the UDO’s Economic Impact Analysis to include development site and scenario testing.  For more information on the UDO Economic Analysis go to: 
  • The CTR guidelines will be revised with consideration given to community feedback, and a second draft will be released in March 2022 with a mark-up displaying changes. 

If you have any questions or need further information please contact Felix Obregon at [email protected]

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