Member Engagement and Activities Remained Strong in 2020

While 2020 didn’t go as planned, it didn’t stop NAIOP Charlotte members from continuing to connect and engage with each other and industry experts in the CRE community. Check out the many highlights from our events this past year. In addition, the Chapter thanked the 2020 Cornerstone Sponsors during an appreciation event and held a special event to welcome new members.

June LWAL: Update from Elected Leadership

During this LWAL, members received updates at the federal and state levels about the current society and commercial real estate development issues and heard the efforts being made to get the economy moving again. Our special guests included: Congressman Dan Bishop, US House 9th District; Speaker Tim Moore, NC House 111th District; and Representative Jason Saine, NC House 9thth District. Click here to access the recording.

June LWALEconomic Development Pipeline

In the middle of June, industry experts provided an update on what our economic development organizations are doing today. Our speakers included: Tracy Dodson, City of Charlotte; Donny Hicks, CEcD, CCIM, Gaston Country Economic Development Corporation; and Robby Carney, Cabarrus Economic Development Corporation. Click here to access the recording.

August Virtual PanelAre Lenders Lending?

Members and nonmembers engaged with industry leaders discussing the present state of lending and found out where we are in the course of this hurricane. We heard perspectives on the present state of lending in the commercial lending environment from Scott Cook, TD Bank; Anthony Fertitta, JLL; and Brad Smith, Bank of America.

August Virtual PanelGet Seasoned Advice, Discuss Best Practices, and Forge Strong Relationships

At the end of summer, members heard about taking their business to the next level with NAIOP. NAIOP’s Bennett Gray discussed with Tricia Noble, Ascentris; Brian Richards, Beacon Partners; and Patrick Pierce, Selwyn Properties, about why they participate in Forums and how it’s been a rewarding experience that’s allowed for professional and personal growth and development. Click here to access the recording. The National Forums bring together industry professionals in select groups to share deep industry knowledge, develop successful business strategies, and build long-term relationships.

September Golf Tournament with CRCBR

Thank you to everyone who came out on September 28 for the NAIOP Charlotte and CRCBR Annual Golf Tournament at Carolina Golf Club. Congratulations to all of our tournament winners! Click here to view winners and photos.

October DL Happy Hour

The Developing Leaders gathered virtually this Fall and learned about the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance, its initiatives, and how the organization’s efforts are impacting commercial real estate in Charlotte and the overall region. The DLs were joined by Allen Clark and Steven Pearce of the Charlotte Regional Business Alliance.

October Economic Update: Tracking Trends and Tangents as We Reimagine Our Post-Pandemic Economy (and Lives)

Ted Abernathy of Economic Leadership joined the Chapter virtually this year to provide a thorough economic update. Members and guests learned and gained insight into real estate repurposing, relocating people and companies, reshoring, robots, ROI, and rising risk during this event on the state of the economy. Thank you again to our event sponsors: Barnhill Contracting, Choate Construction Company, Elliott Davis, Rodgers Builders, Inc., and The McIntosh Law Firm.

November LWALCommercial Real Estate and the 2040 Plan/UDO

Last month, members received an exclusive overview of the recommendations in the 2040 Comp Plan and the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and heard how it will impact the future of commercial real estate development from the City of Charlotte’s Deputy Planning Director, Alyson Craig. Click here to access the recording.


Click Here for more information and recordings on the LWALs held earlier this year.

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