Previous planning studies related to the Downtown include the 2006 Downtown Master Plan and the 2040 Community Plan. The 2022 Downtown Plan will both update the 2006 Plan and follow adopted 2040 Plan policies and action priorities. The Plan will be reviewed by the Huntersville Planning Board and eventually considered for adoption by the Huntersville Town Board of Commissioners.
The most recent public forum was held on October 20th with about 80 people attending. The presentation links are listed here for your review:
- Final Draft Presentation 1 of 4 (PDF)
- Final Draft Presentation 2 of 4 (PDF)
- Final Draft Presentation 3 of 4 (PDF)
- Final Draft Presentation 4 of 4 (PDF)
Once you have had a chance to view the presentation, please complete the survey which will be open until Monday, October 31st at 5:00 PM.
For additional details about the plan please visit:
Let's Plan Huntersville
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