All four standing committees of the Charlotte City Council met yesterday. Here's a quick outline of what was covered with links to agendas and presentations.
Transportation, Planning, & Development
Planning Director Alyson Craig provided an update to the committee and referenced three text amendments that are currently working their way through the process:
- Conservation Residential Development Standards - This amendment would limit the future utility of Conservation Subdivisions. If you are developing and building future subdivisions and hoping to maximize your density to provide an attainable or affordable product, you need to pay attention to this one. A virtual information session has been scheduled for April 9th at 6:00 pm and you are strongly encouraged to participate. The public hearing for this amendment is scheduled for April 15th with a vote to follow on May 20th.
- Campus Zoning Districts - This amendment adds uses to several zoning districts and creates a new General Office District.
- Clean Up Text Amendment #3 - This one addresses a number of the issues raised by REBIC members over the last year related to such items as "contiguous tree save area," the use of EX provisions, street maps/NCDOT conflicts, fencing materials, ADU flexibility, transparency requirements, buffers, and N-2 layout standards.
Jobs & Economic Development
Agenda - Hospitality Presentation
Budget, Governance, & Intergovernmental Relations
Agenda - CLT Water Presentation
Housing, Safety, & Community
Agenda - Safety Presentation
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