CLT Transportation, Planning, & Development Committee Provides Important UDO Update
Originally published on August 8, 2023, by Rob Nanfelt the Executive Director for REBIC.
During yesterday's meeting of the Transportation, Planning, and Development Committee, Charlotte Planning Director Alyson Craig provided an update on staff activities related to the new Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Here's what we know so far about the next round of proposed text amendments:
- #2023-093 was filed on June 16th, had a public hearing on July 17th, and will be considered for adoption by the full City Council on August 21st. This is a minor change and will ensure that homes built before June 1st, 2023, will be allowed as conforming uses in the OFC (office flex campus) and CG (general commercial) zoning districts.
- Another text amendment (not yet available for public review) was filed at the end of July and would allow multi-family uses in CG (general commercial) and CR (regional commercial) zoning districts. According to staff, it will include elements of #2023-057 which was denied by Council on May 15th, primarily due to confusion over an attached drive-through provision.
- One more amendment that has not yet been filed will amend allowed uses in Campus Zoning Districts and may include the addition of a new district. This has been a major point of contention and we welcome the clarification when it comes.