On April 10, 2023, the Mooresville Town Board established a working group for the purpose of evaluating and exploring the feasibility of implementing a development moratorium.
The working group has completed its assignment and its recommendations are as follows:
- Complete the update of the OneMooresville Plan and the UDO to better align future growth.
- As part of the OneMooresville Plan and the UDO, identify areas with adequate infrastructure and encourage development in those areas that are walkable and provide access to other multimodal transportation choices.
- Identify and investigate areas which are not possible to serve with existing town resources to determine if these areas qualify for a limited moratorium.
- When the housing study is complete, integrate the findings into the UDO and OneMooresville Plan with the goal of achieving an appropriate balance of housing options.
- Continue to investigate local transportation bonds and federal and state grant opportunities to improve intersections and other mobility options such as sidewalks, greenways, micro-transit, and expansion of the Mooresville Main bus system. Annexation decisions should include critical analysis of the ability to provide complete and adequate infrastructure and services such as school capacity, utilities, multimodal transportation, and public safety.
- All new development project decisions should include a review of by-right and previously approved developments to determine the total impact of the project on the surrounding area.
- Promote the implementation of the Traffic Management Center to manage current road infrastructure.
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